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이불 속 그림감상

잠들기 전 5분 감성 충전

게시판 상세
subject 정확한 선, 질서와 단순함 Christopher Pratt (이불 속 그림 감상 184)
writer EJONG (ip:)
  • date 2018-10-26
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rating 0점

이불 속 그림 감상 184

Christopher Pratt

Christopher Pratt는

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오늘도 행복한 이불 속 그림 감상 되세요 :-)

Ice. 1972. colour serigraph on Arches wove paper © Christopher Pratt

Boys Dipping Caplin. 1965. colour serigraph on illustration board © Christopher Pratt

The Sheep. 1971. colour serigraph on cream wove paper © Christopher Pratt

Cape St. Mary's. 1975. colour serigraph on illustration board © Christopher Pratt

Breakwater. 1976. colour serigraph on illustration board © Christopher Pratt

The House at Path End. 1977. colour serigraph on Rising Museum board © Christopher Pratt

Light Northeast. 1979. colour serigraph on illustration board © Christopher Pratt

Above Montreal. 1979. colour serigraph on illustration board © Christopher Pratt

Gaspé Passage. 1981. colour serigraph on Rising Museum board © Christopher Pratt

Memorial Window. 1982. colour serigraph on Rising Museum board © Christopher Pratt

Sackville Attic. 1982. colour serigraph on Rising Museum board © Christopher Pratt

Night Trestle. 1983. colour serigraph on illustration board © Christopher Pratt

Yacht Wintering (Dusk). 1984. colour serigraph on illustration board © Christopher Pratt

Ocean Racer. 1975. colour serigraph on illustration board © Christopher Pratt

New Boat. 1975. colour serigraph on illustration board © Christopher Pratt

The Bridge. 1989. colour serigraph on Rising Museum board © Christopher Pratt

Good Friday. 1973. colour serigraph on illustration board © Christopher Pratt

Winter Moon. 1987. colour serigraph on Rising Museum board © Christopher Pratt

Launching Greyling. 1992. colour serigraph on Rising Museum board © Christopher Pratt

© Christopher Pratt

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